A morning visit to the Temple Institute was eye opening! They have made every vessel, lamp, alter, priests outfits etc ready for the third temple and they are deadly serious. Just incredible what has been made and what they are planning for the future.
More exploring & decided to walk the ramparts along the old walls. Broken into two walks, the Northern and the Southern, the views over the old city quarters and also over the new city are fantastic. It really puts into perspective how small the old city really is. Mum did one walk and then put her feet up for the afternoon, while I completed the other walk – they really were a work out, with large steps up and down and my calf muscles ached afterwards! I was quite proud of myself though as I managed to keep my fear of heights under control on the narrow walkways. They had closed the last part of the walk off, so I was directed down into the Muslim quarter and proceeded to get very lost amongst all the halal butcheries, but eventually found my way back to the apartment. We went to mass that night in the church of the Holy Sepulchre …even though it was in some foreign language, it was easy to follow. The queue to get into the sepulchre was enormous, so we decided to come back early the next morning to get in. Another early night, more wine and more Netflix A nice relaxing pattern was emerging. While we absolutely loved our tour & having dinner every night with people, it was very nice to hunker down at night and make dinner & just relax.

Nova walking the ramparts