On the way down to Eilat at the southern tip of Israel we stopped at Ein Gedi, an oasis in the desert where David hid out from Saul in caves. You wouldn’t even know it’s there as the trees & waterfall are hidden from the desert road.
Later our driver David stopped on the side of the road so we could get out and see Lots wife. She was told not to turn back when Sodom & Gomorrah were being destroyed … but she was an idiot and did turn back and was instantly turned into a pillar of salt. When I get the photos working properly look & see her head scarf and cloak … and she’s facing in the right direction. … so cool !
We get an opportunity to shop at certain sites and watch videos and demonstrations of the local trade. We’ve been pretty restrained as the suitcases are so full with heavy clothes for the snow in New York but at the Eilat Stone Factory a ring called my name. Not particularly expensive but it has a gorgeous piece of bluey green Eilat stone that only comes from Eilat and I couldnt say no… The jeweller was on site and resized it for me in under 10 mins free of charge while I watched him work.
Almost at our hotel that night, David drove us right to the border checkpoint with Egypt so we could see it and then took us 5 mins back down the road in Israel to the hotel. From our room we could see the Egypt mountains to the right, an oil port in Saudi Arabia across the Red Sea and Jordan to the left! I got 4 countries in one panorama photo including Israel ! You don’t realise the proximity until you are here in person. The iron dome protects this resort area as it does across Israel. However, regardless, we have felt so incredibly safe in Israel all the time. Just peaceful everywhere we’ve been.

Lot’s wife – silly girl !